International Autojumble Aerial View

International Autojumble

This long-awaited weekend of automotive enjoyment brings together all manner of motoring spares, automobilia and historic vehicles for sale, with hundreds of stands to browse in the busy event fields. Thousands of motoring enthusiasts will head to the grounds of the National Motor Museum for the biggest outdoor sale of motoring items this side of the Atlantic.

  • Location: Beaulieu, Hampshire
  • Date: 6 - 7 September 2025
  • Time: 8.30am - 5pm
Automobilia And Signs At The International Autojumble

International Autojumble

Beaulieu’s International Autojumble returns for another jam-packed weekend of automotive treasure-hunting. From crucial spare parts and tools for historic car projects to automobilia, model cars and books. However, an increasing number of stands offering vintage clothes and collectibles are making their mark on this renowned show.

As the biggest outdoor sale of motoring items in Europe, this event attracts tens of thousands of showgoers each year. Among them are motoring enthusiasts who travel from far and wide to search for coveted car components, but now the iconic autojumble and its traders have expanded its selection to include retro clothes, signs and artifacts.

Find out more and book tickets on the Beaulieu International Autojumble webpage

Panoramic view of the first floor of the National Motor Museum

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