Shell poster number 97, See Britain First on Shell - Lynmouth by Charles Dominique Fouqueray (1925). Painting of the harbourside at Lynmouth.

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    Dominique Charles Fouqueray

Dominique Charles Fouqueray (1869–1956) studied in Paris. During World War I he produced many posters, including posters for the Serbian Flag Days and a dramatic poster of Cardinal Mercier watching over Belgium. He worked as an illustrator, painter and engraver. Dominic Charles Fouqueray painted all the artworks for the ‘See Britain First’ campaign in the 1920s, and produced 18 paintings for Shell’s advertising. The success of this series started one of Shell’s most prominent advertising themes: the British countryside. The posters showed romantic landscapes with traffic free roads.

Panoramic view of the first floor of the National Motor Museum

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